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Support Dunbar Garden


If you would like to mail a donation instead of using our donate button, please send your donation to our mailing address:

Dunbar Garden
P. O. Box 165317
Little Rock, AR 72206

Where do my donations go?

Dunbar Garden staff visits the Farmers’ Association on Stagecoach Road at least twice a month to purchase supplies for a variety of garden livestock. The list below represents what we purchase on average and how much it costs.  Donations will primarily go towards the following:

Chickens – The garden is home to 20+ chickens. Dunbar chickens get to roam and scratch throughout the coop and we take pride in the diversity of our flock. During peak egg production times we can get 2 dozen eggs a day from our chickens. People who visit the garden, especially kids, are fascinated by the chickens and we enjoy teaching everything we know about the garden poultry.

Chicken feed – We buy Layer Pellets for our girls. One bag is $23.00 per 50 lb bag

Hen scratch – $10.00 per 50 lb bag

Straw bedding – $10.00 per bale

Cats – We have a few feline friends that reside at the garden. Garden visitors love them and so do we.  We simply can’t resist feeding them.

Cat food – $15.99 per 20 lb bag

If you don’t feel comfortable donating cash, we will happily accept gift cards from any hardware or farm store.

Dunbar Garden also keeps many farm implements running. We also pay for training for our staff, travel for training, and some of the money we raise even goes to salary for our one part-time staff member. For a budget report for the previous year, please feel free to contact us at